Thursday, October 14, 2010


In our household, we ALL go trick or treating! This mean's no one's home to man the doorbell. What to do, what to do? For the past few years, we've made a practice of putting out a big bowl of Hershey's classic chocolate bars (you know the kind, the rectangle of 4 perfect Hershey's pieces) out on a chair. The porch is decorated, and the kids will draw up a "please take 1" sign.

You'd think the candy would be long gone by the time the 5th kid got to our house, right? But nope! Seems everyone knows the karmic value of sharing Hersheys, because we always return home to find at least a few left in the bowl!

This year, we're thinking of handing out these(The Reese's Pumpkins!)--

What do you think? What do you hand out for Trick or Treaters?Why not pick up a few bags of Herhseys, and check out the site while you're at it!

This post is written as a part of a contest for a Hershey’s Halloween prize pack as a member of the Mom Bloggers Club. Are you in the cool kids club? If not, join today!

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